Make your mark!

This year's awards were a bit less kooky than last year's, but still amusing. Here's the lovely nominees screen.

Todd Kerns (Static In Stereo) and Dawn Mandarino (Tuuli)presented some awards early on.

The evening's MC's, Xfm's Pepper and Crash.

Impossibly cute Puffy Ami Yumi presented an early award to Todd Kerns (kind of).

Vancouver's top hip-hop export, the Swollen Members, pick one up.


Matthew Currie-Holmes, now acting instead of singing, makes some presentations.

Fubar teaches the masses how to properly shotgun a beer.

Mere seconds later, I was hit with that very beer can...

The Spitfires pick up their best live act award in a boisterous fashion.

A soggy CC Voltage...

Now everyone's happy...

Moka Only gets a nod.

Todd Kerns receives an award on behalf of SIS.
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